Welding robot is one of the most widely used industrial robots, accounting for about 40% - 60% of the total robot applications in the world.
As one of the important symbols of the development of modern manufacturing technology and emerging technology industry, industrial robot has been recognized all over the world. In all fields of modern high-tech industry, it has an important impact on people's life.
Robot welding is a revolutionary progress of welding automation. It breaks through the traditional flexible automation mode and develops a new automation mode. Rigid automatic welding equipment is usually used for automatic production of large and medium-sized welding products. Therefore, in the welding production of small and medium-sized products, shielded metal arc welding is still the main welding method. Welding robot makes the automatic welding production of small batch products possible. As for the existing teaching and reproducing welding robot, the welding robot can accurately reproduce every step of teaching operation after completing the welding task. If the robot needs to do another job, it doesn't need to replace any hardware, just teach it again. Therefore, in the welding robot production line, all kinds of welding parts can be produced automatically at the same time.
Welding robot is a highly automated welding equipment, which is an important development of welding automation. It changes the rigid automatic welding method and opens up a new flexible automatic welding method. In addition, robot instead of manual welding is the development trend of welding manufacturing industry, which can improve welding quality, improve productivity and reduce costs. In addition, due to the bad welding environment, it is difficult for workers to work. The emergence of welding robot solves this problem.
Post time: Jan-09-2021